School of Marine and Environmental Programs faculty and professional staff


Charles Tillburg
Director of School of Marine and Environmental Programs
Director of Arthur P. Girard Marine Science Center
Professor of Marine Sciences
Doherty Chair of Marine Science Research
Girard Marine Science Center 207
Noah Perlut, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Studies
Assistant Academic Director School of Marine and Environmental Programs
Decary Hall 221


Headshot of Jennifer Brousseau
Assistant Professor, Environmental Social Sciences (Climate Change)
Decary 215
Leah Bymers
Teaching Professor
School of Marine and Environmental Programs
Marine Science Center 212
Headshot of Carrie Byron
Associate Professor
Girard Marine Science Center 219
Headshot of Michelle Caputo
Assistant Professor, Marine Sciences (Marine Mammal Ecology)
GMSC 212
Headshot of Sarah Ebel
Assistant Professor, Environmental Social Sciences
Decary 215
Susan Farady headshot
Associate Professor of Marine Affairs
Marine Science Center 220
Jeri Fox
Associate Professor, Aquaculture and Aquarium Sciences Program Coordinator
Peter and Cecile Morgane Hall 8
Headshot of Markus Frederich
Professor of Marine Sciences
Girard Marine Science Center 218
Headshot of David Guay
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences;
Teaching Professor, School of Marine and Environmental Programs
Decary Hall 406
Zach Miller-Hope
Associate Teaching Professor
Decary Hall
Pam Morgan
Professor of Environmental Studies
Decary Hall 223
Headshot of Patricia Thibodeau
Assistant Professor
Girard Marine Science Center 213
Headshot of Cameron Wake
Director, UNE North: The Center for North Atlantic Studies
1075 Forest Avenue, 108
Headshot of Alicia Williams
Associate Teaching Professor of Marine Sciences
University of New England Marine Science Center 206
Bethany Woodworth
Teaching Professor of Environmental Studies
Decary Hall 213D
Headshot of Gwangseok 'Rex' Yoon
Assistant Professor
Girard Marine Science Center 214

Associate Research Faculty

Helida Oyieke head shot
Research Associate
Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, 2010-2011


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Developmental Writing Specialist, Student Academic Success Center
Adjunct Professor, School of Marine and Environmental Programs
SASC Offices 03

Affiliated Faculty

Steven E. Travis
Director, School of Biological Sciences
Peter and Cecile Morgane Hall 106

Professional Staff

Tim Arienti
Assistant Director, Girard Marine Science Center
Marine Science Center 136
Headshot of Matt Duddy
Lab Assistant
Sea Farm Manager
Girard Marine Science Center 201
Portrait of Lindsay Forrette
Lab Coordinator II
GMSC Chemical Hygiene Officer
Girard Marine Science Center 218B
Headshot of Michael Galloway
Assistant Marine Scientist
Girard Marine Science Center 132
Headshot of Chris Gregoricus
Marine Science Technical/ Vessel Program Coordinator
Marine Center 138
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Saco Watershed Collaborative Outreach and Communications
